Here is some information to help you get started with yoga. Wear anything you feel comfortable in when you exercise. Yoga is practiced in bare feet, so you will need to remove your shoes and/or socks.
Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns. If you have a health issue (illness, injury, or medical condition), please let me know before class.
Take total responsibility. Your health is your responsibility. Do not force your body. Be patient and move into your poses with care and precision
Turn off your cell phone.
Come to practice with an empty stomach.
Enjoy your practice. People who enjoy their practice get the best gains. The emotion of
enjoyment puts the mind and body into a positive state.
Don’t try to outdo anyone. Look to improve on your own level. Over time, you will
discover that when it comes to yoga, everyone wins.
Be kind to yourself. It is okay to come out of a pose before the teacher says to.
Yoga is not “gutting it out” or “no pain, no gain.” To the contrary, the body will respond beautifully when you show it kindness, acceptance and love. Do what you can, with what you have, with where you are.
No experience or flexibility is required to practice Yoga. Yoga is for everyone.